My name is Cindi Servante and I have been riding motorcycles for a mere 4 years, but have found such a love for the sport, it feels like years!
I will be writing about all different types of stories related to the sport of motorcycling, from my all women's ride in Alaska, to how I have incorporated my profession in hairstyling into a motorcycle scarf that protects hair from the dreaded "helmet hair."
In addition, I will talk of my many different findings in apparel and protective gear, that I have found to be of good value and quality, with safety in mind, first and foremost.
I will also talk about many of the influential women and men I have met and read about that have impressed me enough to want to spread the word. And any and all subject matters that come to mind along the way. That could be scary!!
I will post as much information about any subject, item or person I will be talking about and that will include photos.... gotta have the photos!! :-)
Stay tuned fellow riders!
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